Archive for November 4, 2019

Step-by-Step Migration Guide to Active Directory 2016 (PowerShell Guide)

Active Directory Pro

Posted: November 4, 2019 in Active Directory

Active Directory Pro from Binary Tree lets you merge, consolidate, or restructure your Active Directory environment – keeping your users, devices, and applications in sync.

Your migration software should be designed in such a way that it keeps your data secure as it migrates. Unfortunately, many competitive tools have requirements that pose security risks. For example, Microsoft Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) and many third-party tools use common remote procedure calls (RPCs). These initiate the communication from the server to the workstation. What that means is you need to open 60,000 high ports from your service subnet to the end user subnet. It’s a server-client design.

Contrast this with the Binary Tree solution. Our Active Directory Pro doesn’t have any technical requirements that add risk. It’s a client-server design, which is more secure and also more efficient. The client calls home to the migration server periodically to get its tasks. Thus, the burden is taken off that migration console. Active Directory Pro also uses standard internet protocols for communication, which are firewall-friendly and secure. It speaks only over ports 80 or 443, and that communication is always one way. It’s always from the client to the migration console. This design is much more secure because it opens only a single port to your firewall, rather than thousands.